The Outposts of Tyranny
The overall theme at the White House since September 11th, 2001 has been terrorism, terrorists, and terror. In the meantime, everything else is falling apart around us. Our allies are pissed off at us, our forces are stretched thin around the globe, and even most of our own people don't believe in what we're doing anymore. We were right with Afghanistan, but definitely wrong with Iraq.
Our best man in the upper levels of the government, Colin Powell is resigning from his position, and Condoleezza is looking like she's going to be taking the position. Bad news for those of us who aren't interested in starting wars with everyone around the world. While she was in being grilled by the Senate, who determines whether the President's appointees make it to the Cabinet, she mentioned
"outposts of tyranny". Where are these outposts of tyranny? Well, Cuba, Myanmar, Belarus, Zimbabwe, Iran, and Nortk Korea made this list. Even if Zimbabwe was tyrannical... who would honestly care?
I think the days of calling countries a part of the
"Axis of Evil" or an
"Outpost of Tyranny" are over. Weapons of Mass Destruction, Axis of Evil, and all of those politically stupid catch-phrases are really overhyped and so far, the allegations for any of them have yet to materialize.
But seriously, Zimbabwe? Who