What is this guy on?
On occasion, when I'm running Windows XP, I'll just Stumble through the internet using the Stumble-Upon toolbar. I do this because I don't really have anything better to do when I'm in Windows. I was happily clicking along and I found this website. Conspiracy theorists, and people who spend more time talking than thinking, really do grate on my nerves. I'm going to focus on one particular thing he talks about, no stars in any of NASA's moon pictures.
I was out walking tonight, and I figured out why there are no stars in any of the pictures on the moon. It's so obvious and simple that even a little kid could understand. When you're in the city, there's a lot of background light both lighting up the ground and the sky. Now, try and see any stars through that and you won't be able to do it. That's similar to the moon. Remember, the full moon is VERY bright in the sky, and that brightness comes from sunlight being reflected off of its surface. This same bright surface is what the astronauts were on, which is why they nor the cameras, could see any stars. Pretty simple right?
The rest of the stuff on the website is pretty much the same way, I just thought it was amusing because it was so far out in left field. I really liked his comments about people who use Free Software as well. How an AOL user could be informed on such technical stuff is beyond me. I'm impressed when they can log in ok and keep their systems up to date with Windows Update.