Terrorist Attacks in Spain Kill Hundreds
More than 180 people died this morning on several commuter trains in Spain. This comes two and a half years after the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City.
I didn't find out about this until almost 8:00 tonight, as I actually forgot to check the news today inbetween classes. I'd just like to say that my heart is with all of those people who were wounded and killed, or had loved ones killed in the attacks. The civilized world must stand together when attacks like this occur, as they threaten our lifestyle, and the survival of humanity as a whole. Attacks like this show us that our time spent in Iraq has changed little in the fight against Al-Qaeida. Eventually, we are going to send more of our people to the Middle East to continue the fight against terrorism... probably to countries like Saudi Arabia,
Remember those who were killed this morning, and keep them and their families in your prayers.