Human Shield Kidnapped...
An Australian peace activist claimed Friday she was kidnapped and held for 20 hours by Muslim fighters in Fallujah, Iraq. Donna Mulhearn told Sydney radio stations she and three other foreign humanitarian workers were seized Wednesday by heavily armed rebels as they tried to leave Fallujah. Mulhearn's claims could not immediately be verified. She previously made headlines when she acted as a human shield in Baghdad before last year's U.S.-led invasion.
I wonder how much of an idiot this woman feels after trying to sacrifice her own life to protect others only to have them kidnap her and hold her hostage (supposedly) for twenty hours. Wake up and smell the coffee already, they don't want you there, whether you're trying to help them improve their situation or not. If you want to help people, head to Africa or downtown Baltimore... you're less likely to be kidnapped in either. Of course, in Baltimore you're more likely to get shot...