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PrezKennedy's Soapbox
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
  Fear and Hatred in North Korea
Over in North Korea, the world's most beloved dictator (right after Saddam Hussein) is teaching the next generation of North Koreans to hate everyone and everything that would be considered "American". How is he doing this? By warping the message behind "The Diary of Anne Frank", Kim Jong-II is teaching young North Koreans to fear and hate Americans of any type. He's spreading the message that America revels in war and that a war between the two countries is inevitable.

The whole message behind Anne Frank's diary is that of a plea for peace and freedom. It's a shame that a crackpot dictator has to use such a book to try and further his political agenda. The most disturbing part follows:

And to make sure the students give that same answer, Dutch television caught one teacher whispering to her students, telling them just what to say to the Dutch reporter.

Teacher:: Say that we don't want war, but that that is impossible as long as our enemy lives. So for us war is inevitable. We are not going to beg for peace. Instead, we must crush our enemy without mercy.

Student: You should not beg for peace. As long as the imperialists live, there will be no end to war.

“The most shocking thing is their comparison for President Bush with Hitler. that is absolutely disgusting,” says Anne’s cousin, Buddy Elias, who was her playmate and her last living direct relative.

Elias was the one who approved giving North Korea the rights to publish her diary, for a symbolic payment of less than $2,000.

“We were not told that it would be misused in schools. That, we had no idea,” says Elias, who considers today’s Hitler to be Kim Jong-Il, North Korea’s supreme leader. Kim insists that whenever anyone mentions his name, they must first call him respected or beloved.

The lesson behind all of this? There isn't much thinking going on in North Korea, similar to pre-World War II Nazi Germany. If you'd like the full effect of the article, you can read If Anne Frank Only Knew ... on CBS News.
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