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PrezKennedy's Soapbox
Monday, November 22, 2004
  A Blast from the Past
Remember the Nintendo? The original one, not any of those with prefixes or suffixes, just... the Nintendo. Looking at E-Bay last night I saw some old Nintendo systems going for $10-30 bucks. One even had the original packaging and everything! Now, my Nintendo may be classified as "rare" but it most certainly hasn't had the packaging for more than ten years now. Remember the Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt combo? That's when I got my first video game system.

As I saw these being sold on E-Bay, I thought about whether or not I could make much money selling our old games, afterall, they all work, and some of them (like Super Mario Bros. 3) are legendary classics. The more I thought about it however, the more memories I had of playing my old games like when I got them... the amount of begging involved in order to get them, and what their endings were like. I decided I could never part with those... even if I had to box them up and hide them in the corner of my closet here at college, I would still keep them. Other people would say "well they're just games", and I know that. But they are games worth more than the 99 cents that Gamestop will give you to buy them. I saw a girl bring in five games once and she only got a couple bucks for all of them put together. Why bother?

I figure in fifteen years I can whip out my old Nintendo and show my kids a thing or two about old skool gaming, and then I can listen to them complain about how it isn't in 3D with 6.1 stereo surround sound. That's ok though... back then they didn't need those to be fun.
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