Areas of my Expertise
I've been putzing around with this site for a few months now, so I think it's about time that I put up some of my credentials. Prepare to not be blown away. This is just an experiment afterall. For some fun, just check out "walker avenue apartments" on Google and look who's near the top. This means that if I should have any significantly poor experiences here at Walker Ave, people who search for more information on the web will get some grand tips.
Anyways, I'm an Information Systems major here at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC); I transferred in from Harford Community College (HCC), where I was a Computer Science major. My first semester here was a wake up call to the fact that I don't like to program all that much, but instead I would rather administrate systems, do security, and stuff like that as opposed to writing code all day. That's more along the lines of what I've been doing ever since I got my first computer, so I'm more at home, and more interested.
Since I've switched majors I've been very happy, and I'm glad to be here at such a fine school. It beats the pants off of College Park easily. Anyways, I also have a very nice job at the Army Research Laboratory doing cool things for the U.S Army.
Sure, I don't have much, if any experience in politics, but how much experience is needed to be like George W. Bush? I have my geography, history, and psychology down... and I'm very uncorruptable (at least some people say that... ) I don't live for money, so I have that going for me too... unlike some of the people in public office right now. I'll keep working on making my views obvious throughout this website, and I plan on writing some essays about stuff like abortion, religion, the war on terror, etc. in the future. Just have to find the time... afterall, I am in college.